
Intraday Trading in India


Lesson 1: Avoid Greed, Hope, and Fear

हे अर्जुन! जीवात्मा का विनाश करने वाले “काम, क्रोध और लोभ” यह तीन प्रकार के द्वार मनुष्य को नरक में ले जाने वाले हैं, इसलिये इन तीनों को त्याग देना चाहिए

Greed, Hope, and Fear should have no position in the intraday trader’s life. Greed will always motivate intraday trader to execute more number of trades, incorrect trades and turns into over intraday trading. Hope will not let trader book the loss at the right time leading to huge losses and Fear will not allow trader to win risk, to hold place for longer time which leads to better profits. A trader should never give space to such emotions in his Intraday Trading Career.

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Lesson 2: Think about Risk, not just Profit

जिस प्रकार धुएँ से अग्नि और धूल से दर्पण ढक जाता है तथा जिस प्रकार गर्भाशय से गर्भ ढका रहता है, उसी प्रकार कामनाओं से ज्ञान ढका रहता है।

Almost every trader has a habit of thinking about earning high profit when he entered in the market. This greed for profit does not let them make rational thinking about taking care of their risks, long-term overview, proper risk and money management, holding place for bigger profits, making good amount of profits from fewer number of trades, etc. So it is the duty of the trader to ensure the risk on the portfolio and not just think about profit.

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Lesson 3: Learn from the Past and Take Responsibility

जो हुआ वह अच्छा ही हुआ है, जो हो रहा है वह अच्छा ही हो रहा है और जो होगा वह भी अच्छा ही होगा। बीते समय के लिए पश्चाताप मत करो, आने वाले समय के लिए चिंता मत करो, जो समय चल रहा है केवल उसी पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करो।

Losses are part of the business because even the most successful trader suffers from losses. In the beginning, most of the traders due to various internal and external reasons suffer many losses, and even if they get the right group and firm to work with, their suspicious mind does not allow taking a forward step. They keep abusing and ignore the current experts who could actually help them in a big way. The trader should forget the past for whatsoever reason it was. Whatever has happened is for good. It is to make the trader matured one. The trader's duty is to keep learning always and improve his finances.

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Lesson 4: Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

तेरा कर्म करने में ही अधिकार है, उसके फलों में अधिकार नहीं है, इसलिए तू न तो अपने-आप को कर्मों के फलों का कारण समझ और कर्म न करने में तेरी आसक्ति भी न हो।

The trader during trading should never focus on the result. The duty is to learn, research, and trade and not to think about the profit/loss. The trader can’t decide the outcome even for a single trade. The performance of actions should not be influenced by any thought of future results. In case traders try to think about the result, it will lead to anxiety, which will lead to fear and then fear will increase impulse and leads to confusion. The confusion will lose the stability of the mind and hence the resultant will be a wrong decision or no decision.

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Lesson 5: Believe in Yourself and Keep Learning

हे भारत! सभी मनुष्यों की श्रद्धा उनके अन्तःकरण के अनुरूप होती है। यह पुरुष श्रद्धामय है, इसलिए जो पुरुष जैसी श्रद्धावाला है, वह स्वयं भी वही है॥

Belief shapes the behavior of the individual. Behavior causes the actions and actions create results. Thus, what you believe is going to structure the outcome in the market. Always work on the thought process. The trading psychology and trading behavior play 70% or more roles in helping a trader become successful. Also, action without proper knowledge is hazardous. So always grab more knowledge and work sincerely for success in the financial life.

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